Our Purpose
What God Has Called Us To Do
RUN GLOBAL Statement of Purpose
“The Scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, “I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth,” Romans 9:17. Because this is God’s purpose, it is also RUN Global’s purpose. We are compelled by this purpose to make God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit famous throughout the earth. God’s power is on display when lives are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to carry this gospel to the ends of the earth as soon as possible. That is why our name is R.U.N. Global – Reach the Unreached NOW! We are running to win. Like Paul we request, “Pray for us that the word of the Lord will run rapidly and be glorified…” 2 Thessalonians 3:1
Spreading God’s fame starts with sharing the gospel. It includes follow up of new converts so they learn to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. When people see the transformation of their character it is proof of God’s power and that brings more people to faith. Spreading God’s fame includes training every believer to be effective in ministry so that they can share the gospel wherever they go – any time any place. This is why RUN Global’s purpose includes training every believer in every church and denomination that welcomes us. We train them to start new churches and we also start new churches.
Our purpose is to spread God’s fame until there is no place left for us to reach because the world has been reached, God’s power is on display, and Jesus is super famous everywhere! Romans 15:23.

RUN GLOBAL Distinctives
RUN Global differs from some other mission organizations, in that we specifically focus energy and resources on taking the Gospel to the least reached places and persons, prioritizing those who have never heard, in the places that have never been reached.
RUN GLOBAL Strategies
RUN Global teams start Great Commission focused church planting movements through the nationals in unreached nations, especially the least reached and most open. Currently, these are India, Nepal, China, and other Asian nations. The principle we follow is: join God in what we see Him doing and obey the 5 times repeated Great Commission mandate in the 4 Gospels and Acts. We start these movements by winning the lost to Christ and recruiting believers to join the cause.
Our strategy is to be catalysts that launch streams of churches that give birth to new churches to the 4th generation and beyond. We are doing this in two ways:
1. Starting new Great Commission churches that multiply. We start new Great Commission churches by evangelizing the lost and forming new churches with those who receive Christ. We disciple them, and train up aspiring leaders to lead them.
2. By envisioning and training the leaders of other networks of churches. We find church network leaders and recruit them to this vision. We coach them to success in multiplying generations of churches in their networks.
We support indigenous believers who have the capacity and influence to win over network leaders and coach them. We motivate those we support by creating report forms that give them opportunity to report and map the generations of churches under their leadership. We support them according to the level of movement forming influence they have reached.
Most of the un-evangelized are concentrated in strongholds of Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism. Many of them live in places difficult to access and dangerous for missionaries to work in.
The populations are growing so fast that evangelism efforts have not kept up and are falling further behind. This is why RUN Global teams utilize T4T and DBS strategies, which are the fastest and best ways we’ve found to reach the most people and sustain the spiritual health of new movements.

T4T is Training For Trainers. The T4T process trains Christians to be trainers of other Christians in sharing their faith and discipling their converts. The goal is to train and motivate believers to start their own T4T groups and the trainees in those groups to start their own groups. Implementing this strategy can result in many generations of effective trainers.
DBS is Discovery Bible Study Groups. Our DBS strategy is to invite not-yet-believers to discuss amazing stories in the Bible about God’s love and power. DBS groups gather each week to discuss another story. Over time many of the not-yet-believers believe in Jesus. Some of the DBS groups then become new churches.
Currently RUN Global team members are training over 3,000 believers in T4T groups, and sharing Christ with nearly 20,000 not-yet-believers in DBS groups. Your prayers and generous gifts are helping us make Jesus famous all over the earth!