Missionary teams reaching nearly 20,000 people per week across India and beyond with the Gospel
See how our missionaries and discipleship groups make an impact
See the impact our missionaries are having in South Asia! Nearly 20,000 people hear the gospel each and every week!
Reaching the world with the message of Christ through our missionaries
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to spread God’s fame until there is no place left for us to reach because the world has been reached, God’s power is on display, and Jesus is super famous everywhere! Romans 15:23.
Our Distinctives
RUN Global differs from some other mission organizations, in that we specifically focus energy and resources on taking the Gospel to the least reached places and persons, prioritizing those who have never heard, in the places that have never been reached.Â
Our Strategies
RUN Global teams start Great Commission focused church planting movements through the nationals in unreached nations, especially the least reached and most open.
Over One Million Heard the Gospel in 2023!
Our 180+ team members and their disciples reached over one million people with gospel in 2023. That works out to about to about 20,000 people per week! Please pray we can be even more fruitful in 2024!

He (Jesus) said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” Matthew 9:37-38. Will you pray with for us and with us?

Your generous support to RUN Global is vital to helping indigenous workers reach their nations for Christ. You matter to us, as valuable partners in helping to change the world.

RUN Global’s mission is to fulfill the Great Commission around the world. We are all called to follow Christ’s command to go and make disciples of all nations. But we cannot do it without your help.
Hear stories of our missionary teams’ impact across India and beyond
SEE how our missionaries use Discovery Bible Studies to reach the unreached with the Gospel
Take a trip to Discovery Bible Study and see what it is like.

HELP us reach the unreached
Partner with us to share the Gospel with the billions of precious souls who have never heard of Jesus.