Over One Million Heard the Gospel Last Year!

God's Work Needs to Be Celebrated!

We have some very exciting news to share with you all. Our team members and their disciples shared the gospel with over one million people in 2023. See the breakdown below!

Because of your prayers and financial support our 180+ team members and their disciples were able to take the gospel far and wide. Based on the weekly reports submitted throughout 2023, it was reported that the gospel was shared with 1,018,279 people, we saw 3,315 salvations, and 1,128 baptisms as a result of these efforts.

1,018,279 gospel shares equates to the following: 19,000 per week, 3000 per day, and about 600 people hearing the Good News EVERY hour. In reality, this isn’t the Good News, it is the greatest message in the world. What a privilege it is to share it!

3,315 salvations equates to 275 people per month, 60 people per week, and about 9 new Christians every single day!  God is in the business of changing lives. These new Christians had their lives changed radically.

1,128 baptisms in 2023 equates to 94 baptisms per month, or 20+ baptisms per week! Baptism is the first step of a obedience for a new believer. We follow Christ’s example of his death, burial, and resurrection. It is your outward declaration of the inward change.

We are blown away by God’s faithfulness and using our teams to reach so many with the gospel. 

Please pray that 2024 is more fruitful! All for God’s glory!

If you want to read more about our strategies… please do! 

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