Dear Partners and Prayer warriors,
Su and I are relishing time with our family and celebrating the incarnation of the one and only living God who came down to seek and save the lost!
These are some of the amazing things God has done in 2023 through RUN Global teams and their disciples:
- Over 1 million people have been reached with face to face gospel presentations.
- 100,000 gospel booklets have been distributed
- 15,000 Picture Bibles have been given out plus
- Thousands of mosquito nets and money to earthquake victims to rebuild.
60 all day vision casting / recruiting events have been held in 20 cities across Nepal and north India. As a result of these, 2700 Christians are now attending year-long weekly disciple making groups.

We’re preparing to repeat these events again this spring and I expect 2000 more believers will be activated and deployed through weekly training groups in 2024. These programs will cost a lot but the results will be awesome!
Our board of directors and other generous donors have pledged to…
MATCH all donations given in December up to $70,000
This means your $100 gift will become $200, your $500 gift will double to $1000, and your $5000 gift will become $10,000, if postmarked or given online at by midnight December 31st.
This is your golden opportunity to make a huge difference in the world!
Recently a church’s missions committee asked me some questions, and I realized it is probable others have similar questions. Here are my answers:
1. Does RUN Global leadership believe in the sovereignty of God?
Yes, we believe in both the sovereignty of God and the free will of humans.
2. Does RUN’s definition of “reached” mean “saved”.
No, our definition of “reached” is that the person has heard a clear presentation of the gospel message.
3. Do RUN’s indigenous team members have a quota they must meet in order to be paid?
No, but we expect a person to do full time work for full time pay.
“We do our best to not waste the donations of generous people that God has entrusted to us. “
4. You have set incredible goals. Are they realistic?
We set goals with a strategy to reach those goals. We have tested methods and systems that have proven to work well. We’ve learned much from other mission organizations that have a depth of experience and long track records of success.
We also track the progress of every team member and every team. Based on past performance we can estimate future performance and that is the foundation for the goals we set.
“I have stated the goal to reach every person in Nepal in the next 10 years. I truly believe we can if we can stay on track and provide quality supervision.”

5.You appeal for money a lot. Don’t you trust God to supply all your needs?
Yes, we make lots of appeals. We feel the freedom to do that because we see the apostle Paul appealing for money in his epistles. He asked the Corinthian and Thessalonian churches to give generously for the needs of the Judean churches and they did.
6.Does RUN value the salvation of souls over the discipling of believers?
We value both. Our motto is Win, Build, Train, Send. By win we mean win people to Christ. By build we mean nurture them to spiritual maturity. By train we mean equip them to effectively share the gospel, follow-up and disciple their converts. It may seem like we over emphasize evangelism, but our team members actually spend many hours each week systematically teaching their followers the curriculum we have designed. We work hard to develop godly character in the lives of those we train.
We try to imitate Pauls’ example found in Colossians 1:28 “We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.”

If you have additional questions, feel free to write or call me and I’ll be happy to discuss them with you.
God’s richest blessings to you in the new year!
With Christ’s love,
Mike and Su