Dear Partners in reaching the world,
All of you that pray and give to help us reach the lost are doing an incredible work to advance God’s kingdom across planet Earth! Don’t doubt that for a second! We are making rapid progress because of your help. Every one of our successes is made possible through your generosity – thank you!
We are marshalling forces by offering training events to all Christians of every denomination. We are bringing Christianity to places it has never gone before. Through these all day events we are activating and mobilizing thousands of pew-sitters turning them into disciple makers.
In calling them “pew-sitters” I am not demeaning them, I am saying they have never been trained before so they have never felt confident that they were competent to be trainers.
In the next three months our teams in Nepal and India will conduct 66 all day training events specifically designed to rapidly increase their competency to win and build people in Christ. We have already begun and based on the turn out so far we can see that thousands of believers will be trained in three successive events of all day training before Christmas!
A high percentage of these thousands will also join weekly training groups that will run for 50 weeks so as to continue to learn and perfect their skills to train others. They will in turn start their own training groups as soon as they feel competent to do it. For some that will take only a week or two. For others a month or two or three. The goal is to multiply trainers until their nations are reached.
I was teaching our India teams last week. They are located in West Bengal, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh. I asked them this question: “By faith, how long will it take you and your disciples to reach every city, town and village in your state (West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh) with the gospel?” They discussed it for a while and came back with their consensus. “Fifteen years” they said. That is their faith goal. I did not suggest that time table, they came up with it themselves. I asked them if they realize how many millions of people live in their states and they assured me they are well aware. (West Bengal – 102 million, Bihar – 128 million, Uttar Pradesh – 235 million).

They are also very aware of the intense persecution of gospel workers accelerating in their states. But they have set their faces like flint, determined to do His will, and they know that they will not be put to shame, as did Jesus, as professied in Isaiah 50:7.
Some people might say, ah that is just “pipe dream faith”. Well, it would be unless they are taking the actions in their daily lives through which they will realize their goals.
I asked Mohan, a Nepalese team member, to do a “time in motion” study of his time use for a week. He sent it to me at the end of every day last week. Find the details of Mohan’s day below!
A day in the life...
Mohan, team member in Dhangadhi
5:00 AM - Woke Up
5:15 AM - Personal Time with the Lord
6:00 AM - Group Devotion Time
6:30 AM - Team house chores
7:00 AM - Freshened up for meeting
8:00 AM - Team leader taught Bible class
9:00 AM - Breakfast
10:00 AM - Left team house
10:37 AM - Evangelized 4 persons in Majhagaon, Nepal
10:50 AM - Evangelized 3 more persons in Majhagaon
11:34 AM - Evangelized 8 persons in Shantipur, Nepal
12:07 AM - Evangelized 5 persons in Kalvapur, Nepal
12:35 AM - Evangelized 5 more persons in Kalvapur
1:00 PM - Introduced Pastor Yabesh Rana to the T4T Training process
2:25 PM - Introduced Pastor Sanjeeev Chaudhary to the T4T training process
3:38 PM - I reached Matiyari village, I evangelized 2 persons.
4:35 PM - I evangelized 4 more persons.
5:15 PM - I visited my T4T member, Ashish Toi, for prayer in Dhangadhi
5:30 PM - Evening Bible Class
(These classes are taught via Zoom by Pastors in the USA including Tom Short, Doug Brown, Ryan Stahl, Mike Keator, Jack Stockdale & Chris Old!!)
6:30 PM - Freshened Up
7:30 PM - Dinner
8:00 PM - Evening Group prayer
9:00 PM - Personal Prayer
10:00 PM - Sleeping Time
Friends, these goals are not pipe dreams. They are not fantasies. Your brothers and sisters on these teams are giving an all out effort to fulfill the Great Commission in their nations. They are worthy of our support.

We have a tighter accountability system than any other mission organization that I am aware of. We are in it to win it. Yesterday I was explaining RUN Global’s training and accountability systems to Chris Old, a veteran pastor in Ohio and he said, “Mike, you remind me of coach Urban Meyer.” Well, Coach Urban Meyer did it to win football games. We do it to win the world for Christ.
The upcoming 66 all day training events will cost tens of thousands of dollars over the next 90 days. Please join us in fervent prayer and give the best gifts you can to fund these world changing programs.
Your partners until Jesus returns,
Mike and Susan Keator