..... A Secret That Needs to Be Told!
RUN Global has been active in Reaching Unreached People in South Asia since 2008. We have shared the gospel with millions of people over the years. We wholeheartedly follow Jesus’ command in the Great Commission.
Christ is clear about what we are to do. We can’t sit back, we need to go. Win souls and baptize them. Not only share and win, but to make disciples. Teaching them to obey everything that Christ commands!
Matthew 28:19-20 NLT 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
The Great Commission
RUN Global is Fulfilling the Great Commission
We have followed GO, by starting a movement in South Asia to reach the nations for Christ.
We have lead over 100,000 to Christ since our beginning.
We have made disciples and taught them to obey. Through our Church Planting Movement training and our Training for Trainers (T4T) classes weekly. Our disciples are trained not just to KNOW about how to grow the body of Christ, but to DO it.
Training for Trainers (T4T) is like TNT to Christianity. It is a weekly class that includes reporting on last weeks results and setting goals for the coming week. They will also care for one another and have some worship. The leader will also teach a lesson then the members of the group will practice the lesson in pairs. The T4T group time ends with prayer.

It is a beautiful system that equips people to start their own groups that start more groups and so on! LEARN MORE
God is Doing Some Amazing Things.. and People Need to Hear!
We honestly feel that RUN Global is the Best-Kept-Secret in Christianity. If more people joined us and helped us grow, we could add more workers overseas. The increased workers means more evangelism, salvations, baptisms, and equipping the body of Christ.
Can you help us to get the word out? Can you tell your friends?
Does your church support missions? Can we talk with them?
Help Us Fulfill the Great Commission!
WATCH the video below for inspiration and encouragement for what God is doing in South Asia!
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