The Power of Witnessing, God Loves to Save Families
Daniel Kumar

The Power of Witnessing, God Loves to Save Families
Our testimonies are a testament to God’s work in our lives. We’ve all enjoyed strong testimonies. Acts 16 recounts Paul and Silas imprisoned when a great earthquake nearly empties their jail. Their jailer planned to commit suicide for losing his prisoners, before Paul stopped him. He wondered how to be saved like Paul and Silas, who said, “Trust Jesus for salvation. You and anyone in your home who trusts will be saved.” We imagine how the jailer’s own testimony impacted others. God loves to save whole families!
RUN Global’s work in South Asia is quickly expanding. We have the opportunity and privilege to meet many Christ followers seeking to join us. They desire to get trained in Biblical doctrine, effective evangelism, disciple making, and church planting. RUN Global desires to help the body of Christ grow into greater fruitfulness.
Recently we interviewed a candidate for full-time missions work. His name is Daniel and we really enjoyed reading his testimony… continued….
“My name is Daniel, and I am 18 years old. There are four members of my family. I was born in a Christian family and my father is a missionary. Even though I grew up in a Christian family, my behavior was like a non-believer. I used to disobey my parents. I was not faithful to God. I didn’t even think there was a God, so I used to enjoy my life. I didn’t pray or read my Bible. I associated with bad company and started smoking and drinking.
After 3 months, I realized that I am doing wrong. When my parents found out what I was doing, they were disappointed. I was feeling very bad and getting depressed; I realized I need to change my habits. My elder sister had joined RUN Global. She started teaching me about a personal relationship with God and she encouraged me. Even though I knew about God, I wasn’t spending my life the way God wanted.
My sister led me on the right path. I got a chance to know about God and Jesus Christ more perfectly and crystal clear. I repented of my sins, confessed that Jesus is Lord and believed in him for my salvation.
I began to grow spiritually. Now I am walking on the path God wants me to walk. I want to spend my life doing God’s work and bring people to him. I want to tell people that there is only one God and how I am very happy because I got eternal life by the grace of God.”
Were you struck by the similarities to testimonies heard in the USA? Daniel grew up in a Christian family—although that is rare in Asia. He was exposed to Christ, the Gospel, but wasn’t living a surrendered life. Then God used his sister’s RUN Global training to reach him personally. God loves to save whole families! What a testimony! He is glorified.