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The Cults Infest Nations Overseas, Too

American Christians tend to think of religious cults as faraway things from daily life, that affect only the mentally distressed, and somewhere else. But in South Asia, cults are on the rise and hearts and minds are being quickly captured by cults—or the gospel with your help.

RUN’s entire strategy is geared to follow the New Testament pattern. We use anything we can from paper and pen to modern communications, but mostly in-person gospel presentations, many thousands of them weekly. And we coach and train while providing financial support to the needy. Our other hallmark besides a firm adherence to evangelism is accountability, as we rigorously confirm the testimonies and progress reported by our native missionaries, so you feel secure with your generous contributions.

As of today, we have over 250 full-time native missionaries, placed in strategic cities to serve as training centers for their nations. And those we support and train now lead over 1200 “Training for Trainers” (T4T) groups that lead to more T4Ts and church plants in South Asia. In 2020 alone, our trainees presented the gospel to 600,000 people and had over 12,000 unbelievers in weekly Discovery Bible Study groups, a number that now stands at over 13,000!

Baptism: An Act of Obedience

RUN Global instructs new converts in baptism, as a key step of obedience and identification with Jesus Christ. Because all false gods are renounced, baptized Asian Christians are targeted for added persecution.

Changed Lives

God is in the business of changing lives. A personal testimony of God’s work is powerful and impactful.

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Partner with us to share the Gospel with the billions of precious souls who have never heard of Jesus.