Dear Partners,
Su and I have been gloriously challenged lately through a must read entitled DESTINED FOR THE THRONE by Paul E. Billheimer. It is about the partnership God has chosen to use to accomplish His kingdom expansion on earth.
We see this partnership in Revelation 22:17—“The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come’—-Not the Spirit alone, but the Spirit and the Bride. The Spirit will do nothing without the Bride. If she, the Bride, does not travail (to engage in painful or laborious effort), the Spirit does not woo (try to gain the love of, pursue, chase) If the Spirit does not woo, the soul is lost.But the Spirit can and will persuade any soul for whom the church travails.”
What the author is seeking to explain is the incredible relationship and partnership in answered prayer between the Spirit of God and the Church.
John Wesley correctly emphasized that God does NOTHING but in answer to prayer. This includes the salvation of souls. “This means that no soul is saved apart from intercession. It means that every soul who is saved is saved because someone prayed.”

Above are some of the recipients of the mosquito nets & picture Bibles that YOU helped to provide!!

The Church , through her resurrection and ascension with Christ, is already legally on the throne.Through the use of her weapons of prayer and faith, she holds in this present moment……the balance of power over Satan! In prayer the Church enforces Christ’s victory over Satan!
We now have new motivation to pray! What is it? God is going to answer! Our part is vital! God is depending on us to pray! We have the winning blow! “Prayer is where the action is! Since this is true, then prayer becomes the highest privilege of the redeemed because it places the intercessor as truly at the front line of spiritual conflict and conquest as the pastor, evangelist, missionary, or any other soldier of the cross.”

Prayer Requests
Our teams are now distributing thousands of mosquito nets to poor people across the plains of Nepal and India. They are giving them out in the name of Jesus and sharing their testimonies to all who will listen. Please pray that God open their hearts to receive Christ.
Soon the teams will be giving out tens of thousands of Picture Bibles in and around schools. They will also be giving them to the crowds after the altar calls at gospel film showings. Join us in praying for many souls to be saved.
We are gathering the funds needed to buy these picture Bibles in Nepal. Now is the perfect time to get involved because any amount you can contribute towards this cause will be doubled!
A generous supporter has volunteered to match all donations for picture Bibles up to $5,000!!

These picture Bibles are about 10″ x 7″ and 1/2 inch thick. We partner with another organization that prints them for 250 Nepali rupees and then gives them to us for 30 Nepali rupees each!! WOW, what a blessing to our teams and the people we are reaching!

You may remember that back in April we were asking for donations towards a specially equipped motorbike for Man Bahadur who lost his arm as a child.
Thanks to a couple of generous donors, we purchased this bike so that Man can reach more people with the gospel!
Your partners in reaching the world,
Mike and Su Keator