
Training the Body of Christ
Our workers are reaching the lost and equipping the saved to reach more.
Baptizing Converts
Going to all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to obey all that Christ commands
Where Needed Most
Emergency Medical Relief
Our primary mission is the gospel, but there are needs that arise and if funds are available, we can help!
Emergency Medical Relief
Reaching Them Where They Are!
We go anywhere to find people open to hearing about Christ!
Support a Native Missionary
Where Needed Most
The "Where Needed Most" fund is our general fund and it supports the work of the entire ministry.
Where Most Needed
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Designate Your Gift

EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR: RUN Global’s goal is to reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We desire to see the Great Commission fulfilled in our lifetime. South Asia is home to the majority of unreached people groups in the world. These people have never heard the name of Jesus! We are working to change that! You can help!

ACTIVATING CHRISTIANS to MAKE DISCIPLES: RUN Global supports nearly 200 native missionaries in South Asia. These workers are training and deploying over 2000 more Christians, active in their faith, making disciples of their own. Our people train others who train others. Our workers start discipleship groups using Training for Trainers (T4T) tools to disciple others to be effective and to start their own groups too. 

However you decide to designate your gift, you will be helping RUN Global to fulfill the Great Commission. 

Your generous gift is greatly appreciated!

Give a Gift to Help RUN Global Team Members Buy a Motorbike!

of our $28,000 Goal!
$ 0
Goal of 70 Motorbike Gifts 21.5%

Less than 30% of RUN Global team members have a mode of motorized transportation. The lack of quick, reliable transportation limits the range of our 180+ team members. 

Your gift will allow RUN Global to give a gift and a loan to help them purchase their own motorbike or scooter. With the new motorbike they can go further and faster to reach more people!

Will you help them go faster so that RUN Global can go faster? 

Give a Special Gift to Support the Three-level CPM Training Events

Our 180+ team members and their 2500 disciples are training more and more people to be effective in training others. These new trainers will then start more training groups, more evangelism will happen, more salvations with come. Their nation can be reached with your help! A special gift this month will support these three-level training events across Nepal and northern India.

Support a Native Missionary

RUN Global’s 200 supported workers train, equip, and deploy Christians to reach their nation for Christ. Our team members lead discipleship groups using Training for Trainers (T4T) tools to effectively multiply groups and workers. 

Our team members are currently training 2000 more Christians to be active in fulfilling the Great Commission.

This fund supports our native missionaries with pocket money (wages), petrol allowance, and room & board if they live in a team house.

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Emergency Medical Relief

RUN Global’s primary focus is the gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission.  We don’t actively look for opportunities to provide medical assistance to the body of Christ in South Asia, but as needs arise, we can help if there are sufficient funds.

We also realize that this is an area of interest and concern for friends of the ministry and we desire to provide an avenue for them.

Where Needed Most

RUN Global has various projects and needs throughout the year. The “Where Most Needed” fund is our general fund and it supports the work of the entire ministry. 

It allows flexibility to support needs as they arise. We have a small budget, but we still have ongoing administrative costs for this great work of God! 

Mike & Su Keator

Mike & Su Keator have been involved in church planting for over fifty years. In 2008, they took their first trip to India and found the people interested in the truth of the gospel, and founded RUN Global when they returned.

RUN Global has become a missionary force, reaching over 1 million people with the gospel in 2023. 

This fund is directed to support the needs of Mike & Su, and Mike’s role as the President of the RUN Global.

Ryan & Laura Stahl

Ryan & Laura Stahl sold their possessions and pursued missions work with us in the fall of 2019. They spent six months in South Asia until Covid brought them back to the U.S. 

For RUN Global, Ryan serves as the Operations Director and oversees many of the behind the scenes tasks and inner workings.  

Ryan & Laura are 100% supported by designated donations. This helps to keep the overall financial burden to RUN Global low and allows more general fund donations to be directed to the mission field.

$50,000 Budget Goal

HELP us reach the unreached

Partner with us to share the Gospel with the billions of precious souls who have never heard of Jesus.

HELP us reach the unreached

Partner with us to share the Gospel with the billions of precious souls who have never heard of Jesus.