Introduction to a Discovery Bible Study

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Discovery Bible Studies Help People to Discover Jesus!

In nations filled with Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims, how do you launch DBS groups? Starting in December of 2019, RUN Global sent teams into villages to gather crowds by announcing skit performances. Villagers would flock to see Bible stories as recited from memory—and then volunteers were brought forward to act the stories aloud!

A favorite presentation is “The Good Samaritan” as we ask “Who was the good neighbor?” A Samaritan, despised by Jewish people, stops to rescue a Jewish man in true compassion. This “skit” transitions easily to gospel sharing.

We still have reluctant listeners after the Samaritan skit, but many of the unreached villagers want to hear more Bible stories. Our teams collect information and return to create DBS groups, many of which grow to become churches filled with new, joyous converts!

Read more about Discovery Bible Studies

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