May 2024

New Proclamation from NEPAL Home Minister Targeting CPM Events?

From Mike Keator:

Dear Partners in reaching the world,

There are some new directives in Nepal that are putting pressure on Christians having conferences promoting conversion. RUN Global could be affected.

Have our CPM Training Events been noticed by the Government? Will we have to stop training?

Three Hundred Thousand More Gospel Shares This Year from CPM Training

The three-level CPM training that we re-launched last year have seen some tremendous results. These training events happen throughout Northern India and Nepal. 

Level 1 training is open to any Christian that wants to learn more about CPM and being effective in reaching others and training others to expand the kingdom…

If you would like to get another opinion on the success of these events, you can watch some video testimonies from some attendees.

RUN Global is the Best Kept Secret in Christian Missions

RUN Global has been active in Reaching Unreached People in South Asia since 2008. We have shared the gospel with millions of people over the years. We wholeheartedly follow Jesus’ command in the Great Commission. 

Christ is clear about what we are to do. We can’t sit back, we need to go. Win souls and baptize them. Not only share and win, but to make disciples. Teaching them to obey everything that Christ commands!